Student Awards

Author: Jessica Green

East Asian Languages and Cultures gives out four awards annually at the Department Graduation ceremony to those students who best exemplify scholarly achievement. At the May 2011 ceremony the students were honored with the awards and were able to explain how their studies impacted their time at Notre Dame and their future endeavors.  Their names also are added to the awards placed outside the EALC office in O'Shaughnessy Hall.

The Liu Family Distinguished Achievement Award was given to Paige Norris. The Liu Family Distinguished Achievement Award in Asian Studies is given annually to the student whose character and undergraduate work best exemplify the qualities of commitment, diligence, and imagination in the study of Asia. The award may be give to a student involved in any of the EALC programs.

The Distinction in Chinese, Japanese and Korean awards are given to those students who show outstanding achievement in the study and promotion of the language, literature, and culture of the respective fields.  Alyssa Ceretti received the Distinction in Chinese award while the Distinction in Japanese award was given to Emily O’Malley.  Minyoung Kim, a minor in Korean, was given the Distinction in Korean award.

EALC is proud of all of our 2011 Graduates and wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors.