Liu Institute Faculty Fellows Receive University Awards, Promotions

Author: Liu Institute

Notre Dame Avenue entrance, spring 2021 by Matt Cashore.

Several Liu Institute faculty fellows have earned promotions, awards or special appointments that were announced by the Office of the Provost at the University of Notre Dame in May 2024.


Hsueh-Chia Chang, 2024
Research Achievement Award

Hsueh-Chia Chang

Bayer Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Research Achievement Award

Ray Offenheiser

Ray Offenheiser

Keough School of Global Affairs
President’s Award

Hsueh-Chia Chang, the Bayer Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, has received the Research Achievement Award, the University’s most prestigious recognition of outstanding research achievements. Chang's research includes liquid biopsy for early detection of cancer biomarkers and rapid, inexpensive diagnostic devices to enable groundbreaking progress in point-of-care diagnostics and treatment.

Raymond Offenheiser has received the President’s Award, which recognizes pioneering and visionary achievements in research and public impact. Former president and CEO of Oxfam America, Offenheiser became the inaugural director of what is now the Pulte Institute for Global Development and contributed to the launch of the McKenna Center for Human Development and Global Business, and is now its director.


Mike Crant, 2024 promotion

J. Michael Crant

Notre Dame Professor of Management & Organization
Promoted to University Chair

Joshua Eisenman

Joshua Eisenman

Keough School of Global Affairs
Promoted to University Professor

Yong Suk Lee

Yong Suk Lee

Keough School of Global Affairs
Promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure

Nikhil Menon

Nikhil Menon

Promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure

Hana Kang

Hana Kang

East Asian Languages and Cultures
Promoted to Professor of the Practice

Congcong Ma

Congcong Ma

East Asian Languages and Cultures
Promoted to Associate Teaching Professor

Anton Juan 1

Anton Juan

Film, Television, & Theatre
Promoted to Professor Emeritus

Mei Chi Shaw

Mei-Chi Shaw

Promoted to Professor Emerita

Originally published by Liu Institute at on May 21, 2024.